The DJ Turkey

It was Sunday afternoon when TJ the turkey went to the bowling alley. TJ was an ordinary turkey with brown eyes, and wore black  blue and white T-shirts. He also wore blue jean. TJ wanted to be a DJ at the bowling alley since the DJ that used to be there moved away.

TJ went to the bowling alley and got on the DJ and started to play music.  The local gang came over and said “That hurts my ears whimp.” The gang was a bunch of turkeys that bullied TJ. Their leader was Jacob. Jacob had green eyes, wore white, black, and green T-Shirts. He also wore a black jacket with green stripes on the sleeve. The gang threw DJ on the floor and they started to play music. TJ got up and walked to his house. TJ got mad at the gang.

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The Story of the Antiverse

Once upon a time there was no time. There was just a dot. The dot exploded into space and time.

There was a violent result and the dot split into the universe and the antiverse. The universe went forward in time and the antiverse went backward in time.

The speed of the universe in time determines the speed of light, and is opposite of the speed of the antiverse. The antiverse and the universe are being driven appart by dark energy.

As a result time goes in one direction in the universe and in the opposite direction in the antiverse. The universe is matter, and the antiverse is antimatter.

